Lines For Ladies @ Nardis Jazz Club / ISTANBUL
That was our official announcement:
26 Eylül / Sept. 2014 Cuma (22:30-01:30)
Lines for Ladies
Anne Czichowsky (vo), Sabine Kühlich (vo), Laia Genc (p, vo), Önder Focan (g), Kağan Yıldız (b), Ferit Odman (d).
‘Lines for Ladies’ bugüne kadarki en iyi kadın caz projelerinden bir tanesi: İki Alman şarkıcı Anne Czichowsky, Sabine Kühlich ve Alman-Türk piyano virtüözü Laia Genç bir araya geliyor. Sahnede inanılmaz bir uyuma sahip olan üçlü ilk performanslarını Almanya, Halle’de Uluslararası Caz’da Kadın Festivali’nde bu yıl verdiler. Anne Czichowsky ve Sabine Kühlich dünya çapında tanınan şarkıcılar. Sabine 2008 yılında Shure Montreux Vokal Yarışması’nı, Anne ise 2008′de Lady Summertime Vokal Yarışması ve 2011 yılında Baden-Württemberg’de ‘caz ödülü’nü kazandı. Laia Genç ise şu anda İstanbul’da yaşıyor. Köln’de bir burs kazandı ve albüm çalışmalarına devam ediyor. Projeye bir ‘Fransız dokunuşu’ getiren piyanist son on yılda Avrupa caz piyasasında adını sıkça duyurdu ve 2007 yılında Köln Caz Ödülü’nü kazandı. 2014 Ekim’inde bu üç kadın, caz efsanesi Sheila Jordan ve Kristin Korb ile bir turneye çıkacaklar. 2 gece için Nardis’teler, kaçırmayın!
Giriş: 40.-TL
‘Lines for Ladies’, a spirited and intoxicating programme of female jazz at its best, is a meeting of the two German thoroughbred jazz singers Anne Czichowsky and Sabine Kühlich and the German-Turkish piano virtuoso Laia Genc – these three ladies don’t only match perfectly on stage, they also come along excellently off stage. After a spectacular debut at the ‘Int. Women in Jazz Festival’ in Halle (Germany) in february 2014, the ladies are touring and scatting across Europe, on a soulful journey remembering the New York jazzclubs of the 50ies.
Anne Czichowsky and Sabine Kühlich are worldwide renowned vocalists and highly skilled improvisers, their list of awards speaks for itself: Sabine won the Shure Montreux Vocal Competition in 2008, Anne won the Int. Jazz Singer Contest Lady Summertime 2008 and the jazz award of Baden-Württemberg in 2011, one of the most prestigious jazz awards in Germany. Laia Genc currently lives in Istanbul, having received a scholarship of the city of Cologne, she’s composing her next album. She brings a french touch and highly developed interplay into this project. For having made her own mark on the European jazz scene in the last ten years, she was awarded with e.g. the Cologne Jazz Prize in 2007. In October 2014, the three ladies will be touring with jazz legend Sheila Jordan and the vocalist and bassist Kristin Korb.
The repertoire of „Lines for Ladies“ reflects the female point of view: It’s not about „swingin’ till the girls come home“, but „swingin’ till the guys come home“, „line for lyons“ are turned into joyful „lines for ladies“, and of course „shiny stockings“ also play an important role, those are combined with a brand-new evening dress, throughout lady-like. The three ladies compose, improvise and arrange “lines for ladies” and interact on stage with an incredibly swinging easiness – even on high heels.
Anne: …check out our Istanbul Trio with Önder Focan (git), Kağan Yıldız (b) and Ferit Odman (dr) – these guys were swinging!!! Really hot how Ferit plays the drums here – we were so blessed to have these cats as our band!!! >>> http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F_XwiLDVRQo&list=UUpKkCxIVNqsn5k9lPQwhKBw
Anne´s pictures >>>
Laia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAlPPG-zYxg&feature=youtu.be
Check a LOT of photos by Tasdemir As an ( THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!):
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