Laia Genc Solo Piano
The pianist Laia Genc is born in Berlin, her origins are half Prussian, yet she is also born half Turkish and finally with her decision to move to Cologne she is a convinced inhabitant of this artistic wise highly interesting and tradition wise very cheerful region. Trained as a jazzpianist in Cologne and Paris, she is working in many different projects as a pianist, composer, arranger, singer and educator.
Laia Genc's music is charcterised by elements of Jazz, classical music, free
improvisation, oriental influences combined with soundscapes and songlike structures. With her music she is a border crosser at the interface of Jazz and comtemporary music. Her extended piano techniques give Laia the freedom to fully explore the borders between composed structures and improvisational freedom. Her mind wide open for the rich influences offered by the globalising life, she is drawing from all the impressions that this world is introducing her to.
Under her fingers the piano sounds in manyfold ways. At one moment it can be very straight, another moment will find her using prepared piano techniques to alienate and most creatively broaden the possibilities of her instrument. Terpsichorean and balancing Laia Genc is moving with lots of musical charme in between the structures of compositions and the freedom of improvised music. She is making a playful use of the different musical genres and is thus creating her lively music, telling unheard stories and taking her listeners to an imaginary journey.
Jazzfest Rheine // JAIL Luxemburg // Beethovenfest Bonn // „The Grand Piano“ Stadtgarten KÖLN // WinterJazz KÖLN // Theaternacht KÖLN
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